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Electric, iPad equipped motorcycle set land speed record

One way to silence skeptics is to prove them wrong. An electric motorcycle that was built on a sheep barn in rural Virginia has been winning races and setting records on tracks across the United States..........

Wind, wind everywhere. Who needs any other energy source?

There’s enough wind blowing out there to provide more than 100 times the amount of electricity than the world currently uses..............​

The number of UK homes installing solar panels has fallen dramatically since the start of August, following a cut in subsidy rates by the government......

Sharp drop in number of UK homes installing solar panels

When it rains while the sun shines, you get a rainbow.

And when the sun fires a coronal mass ejection in Earth’s general......

Solar ejection on Friday sets off northern lights on Monday

A A film still from ‘Morphe’, a collaboration between Lucy McRae and Aesop.

MELBOURNE – Imagine you could take a pill that lets you sweat perfume; have an electronic tattoo that.......​

In Melbourne, designing future bodies

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