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An electric folding bicycle?

Both electric bikes and folding bikes have become increasingly popular in recent years, but understandably, bikes that combine both of those concepts have been rather in short supply...........

Breakthrough may lead to ‘limitless’ supply of hydrogen fuel

If a new technology pans out, the fading notion that hydrogen will someday supplant fossil fuels may be on the verge of a comeback............

How to detect bioterror attacks in the subway

Letters laced with anthrax bacteria started showing up in letters delivered by the post office in the wake of 9/11. Five people died. In 2003, the US government launched a $1 billion anti-bioterror program called BioWatch

iPhone 5 Rumors: 11 Things That Did (and Didn’t) Come True

It’s easy for industry watchers, bloggers and everyone else to get carried away by the hype that Apple rumors create about a unannounced product. Today, Tim Cook took the stage and announced what we’ve been waiting for........

LONDON: Engineers are developing a new technology which would allow you to 'smack' the screen of your mobile and silence its ringing.........

See, what's coming to Microsoft phones

Apple launched its sixth-generation iPhone

today, unironically named iPhone 5…with iOS 6…which operates on 4G networks that neither the iPhone 4 or 4S could access. Wow! We’re barely getting started and the disconnect


For decades, the Leica brand has evoked a sense of sober professionalism in the increasingly populist activity


Leica M: Compact clicker

With the impending requirement for nearly all Americans to carry health insurance, some penny-pinchers have started getting out their calculators..........

How much will you be fined if you don’t buy insurance?

Kingston has entered into a partnership with Microsoft to create a Windows To Go compatible USB flash drive..........

Kingston to release Windows To Go USB flash drive

This week the British cancer research institution Cancer Research UK published new data on projected cancer rates.......

The best news you’ll read all week about cancer

A A film still from ‘Morphe’, a collaboration between Lucy McRae and Aesop.

MELBOURNE – Imagine you could take a pill that lets you sweat perfume; have an electronic tattoo that.......​

In Melbourne, designing future bodies

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